Recently, I was implementing a DataGrid for an ASP.NET application. ASP.NET is not usually my forte, so I was once again in learning mode.
The first obstacle I stumbled onto was that a lot more columns were displayed when the page came up than what I intended. My DataSource was an ArrayList of objects, which represented information culled from the database. In the page's Page_Load function, I had code that created each column explicitly, using ButtonColumn and BoundColumn objects. The extraneous unwanted columns that displayed were duplicates of the DataSource object's properties.
I discovered the problem was with the AutoGenerateColumns property of the DataGrid. Its default value was True, which causes a DataGrid object to automatically create columns (duh!) identical to the DataSource object's properties ... just what I was seeing. Setting this to False prior to assigning the DataSource value fixed that.
The next obstacle was that my ItemCommand handler wouldn't fire when I clicked on a ButtonColumn item in the list. Worse, my grid completely disappeared afterward. Searching around on the web revealed many others who also had this problem, but nobody seemed to have a good answer. There were some postings about EnableViewState related to this, but they didn't help.
Eventually, I discovered that when the Click event caused a PostBack to the page, the DataGrid reverted back to its initial empty state. My Page_Load code populated the DataGrid only when the call was not a PostBack. Armed with this insight, I changed Page_Load so a PostBack call only decides where to get the data: a database call for non-PostBack versus session variable on PostBack. The code now creates and binds the DataGrid columns each time through Page_Load, since my columns are created on-the-fly. The fixed code follows:
ArrayList allUsers = null;
if (IsPostBack)
// restore array of all users
allUsers = controller.GenericPageData as ArrayList;
// get an array of all users as UserProfile objects
controller.Model_GetAllUserInfo(ref allUsers);
// save the user data in the controller
controller.GenericPageData = allUsers as object;
if (null != allUsers)
// set the array of users as the data source
dgUsers.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
dgUsers.DataSource = allUsers;
// configure the columns
ButtonColumn colName = new ButtonColumn();
colName.DataTextField = "FullName";
colName.HeaderStyle.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Outset;
colName.HeaderStyle.BackColor = Color.Ivory;
colName.HeaderText = "Full Name";
colName.CommandName = "View";
BoundColumn colLogin = new BoundColumn();
colLogin.DataField = "LoginName";
colLogin.HeaderText = "Login Name";
colLogin.HeaderStyle.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Outset;
colLogin.HeaderStyle.BackColor = Color.Ivory;
BoundColumn colId = new BoundColumn();
colId.DataField = "KeyId";
colId.HeaderText = "Record Id";
colId.HeaderStyle.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Outset;
colId.HeaderStyle.BackColor = Color.Ivory;
// add the columns to the datagrid
dgUsers.EnableViewState = false;
dgUsers.DataKeyField = colId.DataField;
// set up the click and edit event callbacks
dgUsers.ItemCommand +=
new DataGridCommandEventHandler(this.UsersGrid_OnClick);
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